SEE Parents Support resources for parents Education is not confined to the classroom. Values are the foundation of everything we think, say and do in life. For example, if we think of the value of “honesty”, young people learn that although it takes strength and courage to lead an honest life, it is the best policy and that dishonesty leads to conflict and unhappiness. If they can see that this holds true not just in their relationships at school but also at home, this will help them to practise the chosen value in all areas of their lives. SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL EDUCATION (SEE) does not operate in a vacuum and it is tremendously important that the message in the classroom is reinforced in family life. We hope therefore that parents or carers of a young person, who is involved in using the SEE programme in school will find the time to support that individual, in order to assist his or her understanding and absorption of the values being explored. To deepen the learning process, from time to time teachers may ask the pupils to share with their parents or carers some simple values-themed tasks that will help to instil the significance and relevance of positive values in day-to-day life. The tasks appear on slips in the form of “Partnership Learning” exercises, which can be given by the teacher to the student to take home throughout the year. Each exercise will focus on one particular value, which the learner is currently exploring and studying at school and will show its relevance and practical application to everyday family life. This may involve having a discussion, which illustrates why a value is important, or a simple activity with which the student may be assisted. The exercises are designed to be practical, convenient and fun, not only for the learners but also for the parents and carers. Those at home might even like to record digitally, the joint activity in the home environment or perhaps, to illustrate its wider relevance, in the wider community as well. The parents or carers sign and date a slip after the exercise has been completed. Each slip is then returned to the school, so that the teacher is able to build on the student’s exploration, development, practice and assimilation of more and more values. Your own, personal values - It helps to be clear about which values are influencing your own thinking, decision-making, management of your emotions and how you choose to behave. They will be reflected in your family life. You could find helpful this FREE Personal Values Assessment facility. SEE downloads |